Mould 580
Take Ganpati Ji's blessings in an eco-friendly way. The moulded chocolate can be dissolved (visarjit) in milk, and distributed as prasadam to the devotees and the needy.
This Cacao Professional Chocolate mould creates small Ganesh Ji Idol chocolates. Use Chocolate Idols with Chowki made from Mould 581 (purchase separately) for proper placing and a straight front look.
Cacao® Professional Mould is made from 100% virgin and food grade PVC plastic. They are compatible with both compound and couverture. The mould material is a special formulation that gives it a unique capability to cool chocolates evenly and allows for easy de-moulding on tapping.
Chocolate Size (mm): 90 x 32 x 105
Chocolate Weight (gms): 85
Number of Cavities: 2
Note: The image show chocolate made from the mould. The actual mould is transparent, flexible, and reusable multiple times.